Housing Authority of Americus
An Equal Housing Opportunity
825 Mayo St.
Americus, GA 31709-2627
229-924-3386 - Phone
229-924-4941 - Fax
800-255-0056 - TTY/TDD
The Housing Authority of Americus Board of Commissioners meeting has been rescheduled for Thursday,
January 30, 2025 at 12 Noon due to inclement weather conditions.
HCV Waiting List Closed.
Closed Indefinitely
HCV Waiting List Opens
The Housing Authority of the City of Americus will open their Housing Choice Voucher (Section 8) Waiting List on Tuesday, November 19, 2024. The On-Line Application Portal located at americuspha.org will allow applications to be entered at 7:30am and will close automatically when the number reaches three hundred (300).
If you have a disability, do not have internet access, or need a reasonable accommodation to apply, you may contact Danielle Flint when the waiting list opens at (229) 924-3386 Ext. 229 to schedule an appointment.
The Housing Authority is an Equal Housing Opportunity Agency.
RAD Waiting List Openings
Effective Thursday, October 31, 2024, the Housing Authority of the City of Americus will be opening its waiting list for all bedroom sizes in our Scattered Sites Developments which consist of Andersonville, Plains, and Leslie.
Also, effective Thursday, October 31, 2024, we will open the three (3) and four (4) bedroom Waiting List for Eastside & Northside Americus Developments, which consist of (Eastside: Cherokee, Hanson, Dixon, Lakeview, & Douglas Circle. Northside: N. Jackson, Reddick, Bozeman, Brinson, Brookdale, Masonic, Barbara Battle Way).
Anyone desiring to live in these areas may apply on-line at americuspha.org.
If you have a disability, do not have internet access, or need a reasonable accommodation to apply, please contact A’Niya Williams at (229) 924-3386 Ext. 217.
The Housing Authority is an Equal Housing Opportunity Agency.
Storage Shed Bids
The Americus Housing Authority has a Brand New Storage Shed for sale to the highest bidder.
The dimensions are 10 X 8, which includes a 10 X 4 covered porch. It has a front window, wood siding, and a metal roof. The colors are white trimmed with burgundy. The Minimum bid price is $3,500.
Interested parties may view the storage shed at the corner of Mayo Street and Cooper Circle (Ridge Woods Subdivision). If you have questions, please call 924-3386 Ext. 211.
Bidders must submit a written bid, the price they are willing to pay, their name, address, and telephone number. Bids will be accepted until 2pm on June 27, 2024, at which time they will be opened and read aloud.
Bids must be submitted to Americus Housing Authority, Attn: Storage Shed Bid, 825 Mayo St., Americus, GA 31709.
The Housing Authority reserves the right to reject any and all bids.
Mourns Passing of Ms. Cherryle Denise Furlow
It is with endearing sympathy that we announce the passing of our beloved co-worker Ms. Cherryl Denise Furlow. Ms. Furlow was the PH/HCV Compliance Officer on our staff, and a part of the Housing Authority family for 23 years. We ask that you keep both her biological family and her Housing Authority of Americus Family in your prayers as we journey through this season of grief for our dearly beloved Ms. Cherryl Denise Furlow. The office will be closed on Thursday, December 21st in observance of Ms. Furlow's Funeral Services.
HCV Verandah, East Oaks, & RAD
All waiting list for HCV Verandah, East Oaks, and RAD are open on-line until we obtain enough application to house for 24 months.
HCV Waiting List Open
Effective Sunday, July 30, 2023 the Housing Authority of Americus will open its HCV (Section 8) Program Waiting List, and it will close at Mid-Night Thursday, August 3, 2023. We will receive ON-LINE APLLICATIONS ONLY. If you do not have a mobile phone, computer access, internet access, or if you do not possess computer skills the Housing Authority of Americus will provide a dedicated computer and have someone to assist you with your on-line application. Also, if you are disabled and require assistance to submit an on-line application please contact our office at (229) 924-3386.
Anyone wishing to apply may do so at the link listed below:
Verandah & East Oaks Waiting List Open
Verandah Apartments are for ages 55 and above. East Oaks Apartments are for family units.
Non-Assisted Waiting List Opened
The Non-Assisted Waiting List is opened. The units in this program have no rental assistance attached.
RAD Waiting Lists
All RAD Waiting List are open.
RAD Conversion Is Complete
As of May 1, 2022, all Public Housing units have been converted to the RAD Program.
Waiting List Opening
Effective Tuesday, March 8, 2022, the Housing Authority of the City of Americus will be opening its waiting list for all unit sizes in our Scattered Sites Developments, which consist of Andersonville, Plains, and Leslie Only.
Anyone wishing to apply to live in these areas may apply by picking up an application from our office located at 825 Mayo Street.
If you have a disability and need a reasonable accommodation to obtain or complete you application, please contact Paula Harmon at (229) 924-3386 Ext. 217.
HCV (Section 8) Waiting List Closed
The Verandah Apartments (Elderly Housing) Waiting List is open, but all other HCV (Section 8) Waiting Lists are closed.
HCV (Section 8) Waiting List Opening
Anyone wishing to apply for HCV (Section 8) Assistance may apply on line at https://apps.americuspha.org or pick up a pre-application from the office located at 825 Mayo Street. Applications that are picked up must be completed outside of the office complex and returned.
If you have a disability and need a reasonable accommodation to obtain or complete your application, then contact Terry Harris at (229) 924-3386, ext. 216, prior to October 27, 2021.
The Housing Authority is an Equal Housing Opportunity Agency.
Public Housing Waiting List Closed
The one and two bedroom Public Housing Waiting Lists are closed indefinitely; We will advertise in the Americus Times Recorder when the list is re-opened.
Proposed RAD Conversion
The Housing Authority of Americus is proposing to convert all of it's Public Housing portfolio to Project Based Rental Assistance under the Rental Assistance Demonstration Program.
HCV Project Based Waiting List Closure
Effective Monday, June 29, 2020, the Project Based Voucher Waiting List will be closed; This consist of Section 8 Assistance for units located at Verandah and East Oaks Apartment; We will advise the general public by notice in the newspaper that our waiting list will re-open.
HCV Waiting List Closed
Effective May 2, 2020, the Housing Authority of Americus has closed its waiting list for the Housing Choice Voucher Program. This is because we currently have enough applications on file and it will take over 24 months to assist those families. We will continue to receive applications that have already been given out until May 31, 2020.
HCV (Section 8) Waiting List will open on Tuesday, February 18, 2020
When the HAA opens for business on Tuesday, February 18, 2020 the HCV (Section 8) Waiting List will officially be open. Interested applicants can pick up an application, and return it upon completion. We will be leaving the waiting list opened until further notice.
Request For Qualified Architect..
The Housing Authority of the City of Americus will be accepting responses to A Request for Qualifications from interested Architectural Firms for the purpose of Architectural Planning and Designing for various construction activities as required by HUD and other work as may become necessary during the term of the Indefinite Quantities Contract. The deadline for submission of the response to the above reference RFQ is 5:00 p.m., August 26, 2019. To receive a copy of the RFQ, please contact Mr. George F. Edge, Chief Executive Officer, Housing Authority of Americus, 825 Mayo St., Americus, GA 31709, telephone number (229) 924-9235
Request For Qualifications
The Housing Authority of the City of Americus will be accepting responses to A Request for Qualifications from interested Professional Consulting firms for the purpose of completing all necessary work for various professional activities as required by HUD and other work as may become necessary during the term of the Indefinite Quantities Contract. The deadline for submission of the response to the above reference RFQ is 5:00 p.m., May 28, 2019. To receive a copy of the RFQ, please contact Mr. George F. Edge, Chief Executive Officer, Housing Authority of Americus, 825 Mayo St., Americus, GA 31709, telephone number (229) 924-9235
Section 8 Management Score
On February 12, 2019, the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development notified the Housing Authority of Americus that for FY 2018 we received a score of 100 out of a possible 100 points under HUD's SEMAP system. This score classified the Housing Authority of Americus as a "High Performer" for its Section 8 Housing Voucher program. Our 2017 score was 100.
Public Housing Management Score
On 5/8/2018 HUD issued our FYE 9/30/2017 Public Housing Assessment System score. The original score was 89. However HUD failed to correctly score the financial part of the PHAS evaluation. The Housing Authority appealed and on 8/10/2018 we were awarded an additional one point which gave us a total score 90, or HIGH PERFORMER status. The FYE 2016 score was 86. We brought our score up 4 points Great Job HAA staff.
HAA Newsletter wins award
The Housing Authority of Americus' quarterly newsletter received the "Newsletter of the Year" award from the Georgia Association of Housing and Redevelopment Authorities at their annual meeting on September 19, 2017. The award was given for the Large Housing Authority category. We would like to congratulate Diana Roberts, Resident Services Coordinator, for her excellent work as Editor of our newsletter. Americus has won this award for multiple years and Ms. Roberts continues to do an excellent job on our newsletter.
Back to School BASH 2017
The HAA participated in the Back to School Bash sponsored by Phoebe Sumter Hospital. See more detailed in the Resident Services tab. Check out our Facebook page for more pics.
Reading Pals 2017
Our 2017 Reading Pals program was a great success. Check out our Facebook page for a group of wonderful pictures.
Fact Sheet for our fiscal year end 9/30/2016
Fact Sheet for Year End 9/30/2016
We are a High Performing PHA under the Section 8 Management Assessment Program. So what does that mean? We select families from the waiting list according to our HUD approved policy. We complete a rent reasonableness evaluation on every unit that receives HAP (Housing Assistance Payments). We have correctly determined tenants’ adjusted income. We update our utility allowances every year. We inspect all of the units under the section 8 program using HUD’s Housing Quality Standards (HQS) and enforce failed inspections. We update our payment standards annually. We reexamine family income and occupancy annually. We correctly calculate tenant rents. We perform HQS inspection on units prior to contract. We lease up at least 97% of the available vouchers or available funds. We support a family self-sufficiency program. Out of the 100 points available in this program we scored 100 last year.
We are a High Performing PHA under the Public Housing Assessment System. So what does that mean? We are evaluated under 4 scoring factors. They are physical condition, financial condition, management operations, and the Capital Fund program. We have an independent inspection of a sample of our units under the physical conditions factor. Under the financial conditions, we are scored on our annual audit, the ratio of quick assets to current liabilities, the amount of reserves that we have, and the ratio of net operating income to the amount of debt payments. Under the management operations, we are scored on our occupancy percentage, the amount of tenant accounts receivables, and the amount of money owed vendors at the end of year. The final factor is the Capital Fund program which scores us on the timely obligation of funds and the timely expenditure of funds. Out of the 100 points available in this program we scored 94 last year, which was higher than the last two years.
We are maintaining a 98% or better occupancy in public housing with a turnaround time of less than 30 days.
We have completed 100% of all emergency work orders within 24 hours and average 2 days to complete routine tenant request work orders.
We have maintained a tenant receivable average days outstanding of 14.86 days. We do not allow our residents to accumulate large balances.
We provide a multitude of services to our residents, such as our newsletter, our Senior Club, the summer Reading Pals program, the Back to School Bash, Family Self-Sufficiency classes, and other programs.
We receive extra funding from our non-federal activities. We use these funds to improve our properties and increase the supply of affordable housing in our community.
We DO NOT use local tax dollars. We make payments in lieu of property taxes to local governments. For FY 2016 we will pay $100,084.33 in PILOT payments.