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Where is the Housing Authority located?

We are located at 825 Mayo St., Americus, GA. 31709

What is our telephone number?

Administrative: 229-924-3386  

Work Order Requests: 229-924-9073   

Fax: 229-924-4941

What are your office hours?

Monday - Thursday 7:30am to 5:30pm

Is the Housing Authority of Americus part of the City of Americus?

NO, the Housing Authority's Board of Commissioners are appointed by the Mayor of the City of Americus.  The Housing Authority is a quasi-governmental agency authorized under state law and established by the City of Americus in 1946.

What is the difference in Public Housing, Housing Choice Vouchers, and Locally Owned?

The public housing program and the housing choice voucher program are federally funded program operated under federal guidelines.  The locally owned program is not a federally or state assisted program but an alternative provided by HAA.  If you apply and receive public housing assistance, you must live in one of the HAA public housing communities.  If you apply and receive the section 8 housing choice voucher assistance, you would receive a voucher that would assist you in rent a privately owned unit.  The locally owned units are also located in the City of Americus and have market rate rentals that are very competitive with the local community.

How can I apply for housing assistance?

If you are interested in Section 8, check the Housing Choice Voucher page for information.  If you are interested in public housing, please call the main office at 229-924-3386 between the hours of 7:30 a.m. and 5:15 p.m. to obtain information of how to apply.

How does the waiting list work?

The waiting list is maintained by the date and time a person applies, the size of the family unit the person is eligible for and any preferences the person qualifies for.  When you apply for one of our programs a preference list is provided and you can check off which, if any, preferences apply to your situation.

How can I find where my name is on the waiting list?

The waiting list is dynamic and does not follow a progressive method.  Public Housing is determined by bedroom size as well as date and time of application along with any preferences.  Section 8 has preferences as well as date and time of application.  These factors cause the waiting list to change on a monthly basis.  The time for Public Housing varies from 30 days to 1 or more years depending on the bedroom size.  Presently the Section 8 waiting list is 2 or more years.

If I get a voucher can I live anywhere I want?

The Housing Authority of Americus' area of jurisdiction is limited to Sumter County, Georgia.  There are restrictions on where you can live; must be an approved landlord from our list; lease must be approved; and the unit must meet our Housing Quality Standards (HQS).  If you lived in Sumter County when you applied you might be able to port-out to another authority with certain restrictions.  If you did not live in Sumter County when you applied you must live in Sumter County for at least 1 year prior to porting-out.

How much rent will I have to pay?

A family rent is currently determined by HUD regulation.  Normally a family will not pay more than 30% of their monthly adjusted income for rent and utilities.

Can I have family stay with me in Public Housing or Section 8?

If you live in Public Housing or Section 8, you are allowed to have visitors stay with you overnight.  However visitors are not normally allowed to stay more that 14 days within one year without approval.

Once I am housed in Public Housing can I move (port-out) to another jurisdiction?

No!  Portability is not offered in Public Housing.  Under certain circumstances, you may be transferred to another unit in Public Housing.

This website is copyrighted by the Housing Authority of Americus

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