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Need Drug Rehab

A web resource that provides information and support to people struggling with drug and alcohol abuse. Substance abuse and addiction are issues that impact society on multiple levels. In one way or another, entire communities are affected. This is an issue that we feel strongly about, so we have created a resource in an effort to spread awareness. Our mission is to help educate at least one new person a day about addiction and to be an informational resource for those impacted by drug or alcohol abuse and addiction.

HUD Office-Atlanta

This link will direct you to the home page of the HUD office in Atlanta, Georgia.

Georgia Association of Housing & Redevelopment Authorities

Our state professional organization.  This site contains information about training, exhibitors, professionals, model policies, and lots of information about housing in the state of Georgia.

Public Housing Authorities Directors Association

This site is for the Public Housing Authorities Director's Association.  This site also contains much information about the public housing industry nationwide.  There is also a jobs listing for positions available in public housing throughout the nation.

City of Americus

This is the home page for the City of Americus.

Americus-Sumter County Chamber of Commerce

This site is the home page of our local Chamber of Commerce.  It contains much information about our community, businesses, etc.

This website is copyrighted by the Housing Authority of Americus

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